Sunday, March 9, 2008

The benefits of blind dating

Despite the anxiety associated with blind dates, going out with an unknown person does offer certain social benefits,finds Ismat Tahseen

Anyone who has been on several blind dates will probably have a horror story to tell. It may be the one about the gorgeous new guy who made the girl feel like an overstuffed tomato. Or it could be a story of the geek who turned into a Valentino wannabe. But whatever your blind date history or theory, don’t completely rule out the possibility of a happy ending. There are couples who attest to the benefits of their first blind date together that led them down the path of marital bliss. So what can a blind date offer? Read on to know more...

While you may not know the person with whom you have scheduled a date, you must know something about him to ensure that nothing terrible can happen. As you wait for the first encounter, you might imagine all types of scenarios: Perhaps your date is a secret agent, a circus performer, or an aristocrat going incognito. Thinking of it is the airy stuff romance novels are made of, but with a pinch of reality thrown in too.

Since you don’t really know your first-time date, you can try a new hairstyle or a dazzling outfit, something you could never wear with someone who knows you. “I once put on this French accent for my neighbour’s cousin who had come down from abroad as I wanted to show off my French learning,” laughs Nishita Lalwani, an advertising manager. “It was fun going out with a totally new person as it gave me the chance to become the person I wanted to be, even if it’s only for a few hours,” she adds.
Isn’t it wonderful to speculate that this date might be the one you will love forever? An unknown dating partner has the potential to become whoever we want or need in our lives at that point. In the hours or moments before the first meeting, you can imagine that this person will be the long-sought partner of your dreams.

If your life lately has fallen into a boring pattern of working, eating, and sleeping, then having a blind date can infuse your life with hope. There’s something new and refreshing about meeting a person about whom little is known. Enjoy this opportunity to be on the alert for new qualities, new viewpoints, and new experiences.

The beauty of blind dating is that you don’t have to share much of your life or your identity to find out if the person you will soon meet can be anything more than a brief acquaintance. “I used a pseudonym when I met this cute girl at a family gathering,” shares Mihir Chokshi, an accountant. “Things didn’t go to stage two, so I am glad that I stayed incognito,” he laughs.

Blind dating offers many benefits that cannot be matched by conventional dating. The next time a well-meaning relative or friend offers to fix you up, don’t be so quick to turn down the offer. You never know what you’re missing.

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