Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dear Dana, my friend is dating someone who I know is not treating her right!

Dear Dana,

My friend is dating someone who I know is not treating her right. He yells at her all the time, and pretty much makes her miserable. I really care about her, but I'm getting tired of giving her the same advice when she doesn't take it. She totally doesn't listen to me.

- Friendlygirl

Dear Friendlygirl,

You should be very proud that friends consider you wise enough to seek advice from you. This girl obviously trusts you enough to let you in on her troubles, and you shouldn't lose sight of that.

When it comes to love, many people are blind.

However, you shouldn't feel like someone's therapist. Being a good friend comes with some obligations, but you can't be responsible for her every problem.

You sound like you're wearing out, and if you feel like you've done all you can to help her; say that. She should understand that you're not just someone she can vent on whenever she wants.

You're treading a thin line though, Friendlygirl, because if you're honest with your frustrations, this friend might not be so willing to let you into her life next time.

Any relationship is hard work. Being honest and keeping communication open is a major part. The other key aspect of a relationship is patience.

My greatest advice to you is to be patient with your friend. You may be in need of some advice from her later on in life.

Stay positive.

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